GU68 Engineers Trust
GU68 Engineers Trust was established by the 1968 Engineering Graduates of Glasgow University to raise funds for the advancement of education, and in particular to make awards to students studying engineering at the University of Glasgow. Each year, the Trust makes a number of awards to assist with the costs of course projects, which are normally expected to demonstrate a contribution to practice or research in one of the branches of engineering.
The GU68 Engineers Trust has supported UGRacing with for a number of years, from the development of our Unsprung Mass package in 2019 and 2020, their invaluable contribution to carbon fibre material costs as we implemented a full aerodynamic package for the first time; and more recently, being the primary partner in supporting the team’s transition to electric vehicle technology throughout the 2021 and 2022 seasons, allowing the purchase of their electric motor and crucial testing equipment.